Thursday, October 2, 2008

Best home remedies for acne

« ...One theory behind why hormones may be a factor in the development of acne is that the sebaceous glands secret excessive amounts of oil during times of heavy hormonal activity. This oil, which is also consider a factor in most acne cases, coincides with the blockage of these sebaceous glands where bacterial infections begin. Most of the treatment remedies on the market today attempt to deal with this excess oil....
...There are numerous over-the-counter acne treatment products available today that choosing the right product can become a confusing and overwhelming task. These products are available in most grocery stores and local drugstores. If you consult a dermatologist, the choices are narrowed for you, and your dermatologist can decide which acne treatment is most appropriate for your acne problem. Below are 5 trusted acne fighting products you can try for yourself....»
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«...For the treatment of acne one teaspoon of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder, is another effective home remedy, used for a long time. The mixture should be applied to the face or other acne areas after thoroughly washing, every night before retiring. Mint juice can also be used in a similar manner for treating pimples or blackheads. Mint herb may be grinned to form a mask which is than applied for twenty minutes....»
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tags: black head white head and acne, cetaphil soap helped my adult acne, bad acne vs herpes

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