Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Get rid of small acne scars fast

« ...I had acne for many years, and one day whilst looking online I found the acne free website. As my acne was quite severe, and I had tried many things in the past that didn't work, I figured that I might as well give it a go. So I purchased the book...and was instantly disappointed. You see, the acne free in 3 days program is basically a 3 day apple fast. This means eating nothing but apples for three days! Although I knew it would be hard to follow through to the end, I was willing to give it a try and see what happened. So I started the fast......
...The bacteria triggers your immune response that not only releases macrophages to kill the bacteria and form what you know as pus, but also sets off the inflammatory response that causes the inflammation, swelling and pain of the pustules. All of these reactions are intended to kill off the bacteria, but they also cause you pain and distress as a result....»
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«...of course acne is not the only problem that one can have with their skin, whether it's the skin on their face or anywhere else. Cysts, moles, and rosacea are also very common problem that many people have, and what is unfortunate is that most people just don't know the difference between these things. They put acne medication on their cysts or think that moles are blackheads, and so on. One of the most common mistakes they make in this area is confusing rosacea for acne itself. If people don't get a proper understanding of what the difference is between these conditions it's very possible to not only ignore acne at the source but to actually make the condition even worse; especially with rosacea can the skin become inflamed and irritated if it's not treated properly. But how is this condition different from acne and what can you do to address it?...»
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tags: mama lotion acne scars, best foundation acne prone skin, cystic acne getting rid off cysts fast

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