Thursday, July 3, 2008

Zinc supplement acne foundation make-up and sevear adult acne

Try to control your stress and you may be able to reduce acne. Do not get stressed if you get acne because that may worsen it. Do not try different recipes bandied on the Internet. Use proper medication that is available OTC. If you have severe acne, consult your doctor. Please keep this in mind that it takes time to clear acne. It does not go away in a couple of days. Popping acne will only worsen it and may cause scar. I have discussed the findings of the study in brief below.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
- Use oatmeal if you have an oily face. Oatmeal is proven to work wonders with skin. Simply mix some oatmeal with water, until it gets thick and looks pasty. Spread evenly across your face and keep it on for around 10-20 minutes, twice each day. Rinse with cool water.
tags: acne,pimples and boils, what can i do to get rid of acne, drink olive oil for acne

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