Monday, August 4, 2008

How to remove acne marks and on the spot acne treatment home remedy

Drink one to two cups (8 oz each) of herb tea a day. Your skin rash won't disappear overnight. Progress will show in many ways such as less frequent eruptions, less intensity when it erupts, rash areas becoming dry and new skin beginning to replace the old one. Skin rash usually take months to cure, if not years.
For some, mild acne may be controlled with over the counter preparations containing benzoil peroxide, sulfur or salicylic acid. These kill the inflammation inducing bacteria, which prevents new pimples from forming. They may also act as a drying agent to help control the oil, or as an exfoliating agent, allowing old skin to come off and open the pores.
There is one point you should always remember, herbal remedies shouldn't be used to treat life-threatening injuries. If you experience severe, sudden symptoms like breathing difficulties, chest pains, vomiting blood or extremely high fever, consult your doctor immediately. Keep in mind that most medicinal herbs aren't meant to be taken for long periods of time. The vast majority of medicinal herbs can be quite useful for curing short-term ailments, like acne, but can become toxic if used longer than directed. In a word, don't use the herbs very often; it may be toxic if you treat it improperly.
tags: acne home treatment, acne and best facial wash, acne free pock mark treatment

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